The Impact of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award BUSM

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) is more than just a scholarship. 

It represents a gateway for medical students to engage in global health opportunities and expand their educational experience beyond the classroom. 

The award provides crucial funding to enable students to participate in research, conferences, and medical outreach programs worldwide. 

The impact of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award on BUSM students, how it enhances their education, and why it matters in today’s global medical landscape.

Understanding the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award at BUSM

What Is the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award?

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award is a prestigious grant offered to medical students at BUSM. 

This award was established by Dr. Robert Franzblau, an alumnus of Boston University, and his wife, Mrs. Lillian Franzblau. 

Their generous donation aims to provide financial support to medical students who wish to gain experience abroad through international conferences, research projects, or medical volunteering. 

The award helps cover travel expenses, making it easier for students to seize these valuable opportunities without the financial burden.

Why the Award Was Established

Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau created the travel award with a vision to support the next generation of medical professionals. 

They understood that exposure to international health issues, diverse medical systems, and different patient populations would enrich the educational experience of medical students.

Their goal was to ensure that students at BUSM could gain practical, real-world experience, broaden their horizons, and contribute to the global healthcare community.

The Eligibility Criteria

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award at BUSM is open to all full-time medical students. However, applicants are required to propose a travel project that directly relates to their medical education. 

Projects can include attending international medical conferences, conducting research abroad, or participating in medical outreach programs in underserved areas. 

The selection process is competitive, with a focus on how the proposed project will impact the student’s education and future career in medicine.

How the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award Enhances Medical Education

Expanding Global Health Perspectives

One of the most significant impacts of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award is the opportunity for students to gain exposure to global health issues. 

Many BUSM students use the award to travel to developing countries, where they can see firsthand the challenges faced by underserved populations. 

This exposure helps students understand health disparities, disease prevention, and different healthcare systems.

For example, a student might use the travel award to participate in a medical outreach program in rural Africa. 

During their time there, they would treat diseases rarely seen in the U.S. and learn how local doctors address these conditions with limited resources. 

This experience can deepen a student’s understanding of global health and prepare them to address such issues in their future medical practice.

Hands-On Experience in Diverse Medical Settings

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award at BUSM allows students to gain hands-on experience in diverse medical settings. 

Whether it’s shadowing doctors in international hospitals or volunteering in remote health clinics, students get the chance to apply what they have learned in a real-world environment.

This practical experience is invaluable. It helps students develop clinical skills, adapt to different medical systems, and become more flexible in their approach to patient care.

Moreover, working in diverse settings fosters cultural sensitivity, a critical skill in today’s increasingly multicultural healthcare environments.

Networking and Professional Development

Another key benefit of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award is the networking opportunities it provides. 

Many students use the award to attend international medical conferences, where they can connect with experts in their field. 

These events give students the chance to present their research, exchange ideas, and build relationships with professionals from around the world.

For instance, a student attending a conference on infectious diseases may meet leading researchers and clinicians who can offer mentorship or collaborative opportunities. Networking at these events can open doors to future research positions, fellowships, or job opportunities in global health.

Enhancing Research Opportunities

Many recipients of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award use the funds to conduct research abroad. 

Researching tropical diseases, public health, or healthcare in low-resource settings enhances students’ academic portfolios, offers unique perspectives, and boosts competitiveness for residencies and fellowships.

Building a Commitment to Service

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award encourages students to engage in service-oriented projects that benefit underserved communities. 

Many students use the award to participate in medical mission trips or volunteer in areas with limited healthcare resources.

These experiences are transformative. Students not only gain clinical experience but also develop a deeper sense of compassion and commitment to service. 

Many recipients of the award go on to pursue careers in public health, global health, or work in underserved communities in the U.S. The award fosters a sense of responsibility to use their medical skills to make a positive impact on the world.

Real-Life Success Stories of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau 

Case Study 1: Tackling Infectious Diseases in India

A BUSM student used the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award to research tuberculosis in rural India, gaining insights into the healthcare challenges in underserved communities.

 It also resulted in published research that contributed to improving tuberculosis screening protocols. The student’s experience shaped their career path, leading them to focus on global infectious disease research.

Case Study 2: Volunteering in a Refugee Camp in Jordan

Another recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award used the funds to volunteer in a refugee camp in Jordan. 

They provided medical care to displaced populations, many of whom had fled conflict zones. The student worked with a team of international healthcare professionals, gaining experience in trauma care, infectious disease management, and mental health support.

This experience was life-changing for the student. It not only enhanced their clinical skills but also deepened their understanding of the healthcare needs of refugee populations. 

The student later pursued a career in global health, focusing on refugee care and advocating for improved healthcare access for displaced populations.

Case Study 3: Attending an International Conference on Pediatric Surgery

A third BUSM student used the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award to attend an international conference on pediatric surgery. At the conference, they had the opportunity to present their research on congenital heart defects in children. 

The student met leading pediatric surgeons and researchers, building valuable connections that helped advance their career.

Attending the conference not only gave the student a platform to showcase their work but also provided inspiration and insights into new surgical techniques and innovations in pediatric care. 

The experience motivated the student to pursue a specialized residency in pediatric surgery.

The Long-Term Impact of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award

Inspiring Future Leaders in Global Health

The long-term impact of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award extends beyond the individual students who receive it.

 Many recipients go on to become leaders in global health, public health policy, or medical research. 

The award inspires students to think beyond traditional medical careers and consider how they can make a global impact through their work.

By providing students with the resources to engage in international medical experiences, the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award fosters a generation of doctors who are not only clinically skilled but also globally minded. 

These students are more likely to pursue careers that address health disparities and work towards improving healthcare systems worldwide.

Promoting a Culture of Giving Back

The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award also promotes a culture of giving back at BUSM. Many recipients, inspired by their experiences, return to the school with a renewed commitment to service. 

They share their stories, mentor younger students, and encourage others to apply for the award. This creates a cycle of generosity and service, with students paying it forward by supporting the next generation of medical professionals.

Strengthening BUSM’s Global Reputation

The impact of the Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award also strengthens BUSM’s reputation as a leader in global health education. 

The award attracts students who are passionate about global health and research. It also helps build partnerships with international medical institutions, enhancing BUSM’s global reach.

As more students participate in international research and medical outreach, BUSM’s contributions to global health issues become more significant. 

The school’s reputation for producing globally minded, service-oriented physicians grows, attracting top talent and fostering a culture of excellence in medical education.


The Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau Travel Award at BUSM has a profound impact on students, the medical community, and global health. 

By providing students with the opportunity to gain international experience, the award enhances their education, builds professional networks, and fosters a commitment to service. 

It equips BUSM students with the skills and perspectives needed to address global health challenges and make a meaningful impact in their medical careers. 

The legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Franzblau lives on through the students they support, who carry their values of education, service, and global awareness into the future.