A Day in the Life of Maren Spillman at Advent Health

A maren spillman at advent health is known for its dedication to whole-person care, emphasizing the importance of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

 Behind this mission are healthcare professionals like ,maren spillman at advent health who play vital roles in delivering compassionate and comprehensive care to patients. But what does a typical day look like for Maren Spillman? 

Early Start: Preparing for the Day

Maren’s day begins early, often before the sun rises. Working in healthcare requires an early start to ensure that everything is in place for the day ahead. 

Maren prioritizes her morning routine, as it helps her set the tone for the day. She begins with light stretching and meditation to center herself and prepare mentally for the tasks ahead. 

The physical and emotional demands of her role require her to be focused and energized, and she finds that these moments of self-care are essential.

Maren also makes sure to have a nutritious breakfast. Proper nourishment is key for maintaining her energy levels throughout the day. 

She believes that as a healthcare professional, it’s important to practice the wellness principles that AdventHealth promotes. After breakfast, she heads to AdventHealth, ready to tackle her responsibilities.

Morning Routine: Team Huddles 

Upon arriving at AdventHealth, Maren’s first task is to attend the morning team huddle. This meeting is crucial for coordinating with her colleagues, discussing patient care plans, and reviewing any new updates or challenges that may arise during the day. 

The huddle ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page and ready to provide seamless care to patients.

After the huddle, Maren begins her rounds. She checks in on her patients, reviews their charts, and assesses their conditions. 

For Maren, patient interaction is one of the most rewarding parts of her job. 

Whether she’s offering words of encouragement, explaining treatment plans, or simply listening to their concerns, she is always focused on making sure her patients feel supported and heard.

Maren’s patients come from all walks of life, and she tailors her care to meet each individual’s unique needs. 

As a firm believer in whole-person care, she doesn’t just focus on their physical health but also takes time to consider their emotional and spiritual well-being. 

This holistic approach is at the heart of what maren spillman at advent health at advent health  such a compassionate and effective healthcare provider.

Mid-Morning: Collaborating with Colleagues

Mid-morning is often spent collaborating with her colleagues. Whether it’s a nurse, doctor, or therapist, Maren understands the importance of teamwork in delivering the best possible care. 

She frequently consults with other professionals to discuss patient progress, adjust care plans, or address any emerging issues.

Communication is key in her role, and Maren excels at keeping lines of communication open and transparent. 

She values the input of her colleagues and believes that working together is the best way to ensure positive outcomes for patients. This spirit of collaboration is one of the things she loves most about working at AdventHealth.

Lunchtime: A Quick Break and Reflection

Lunch is often a quick break in Maren’s busy day, but she uses this time to recharge and reflect. 

She typically enjoys a healthy meal, in line with the wellness values she promotes to her patients. Sometimes she’ll take a brief walk outside to get some fresh air, which helps her reset before returning to work.

Maren also uses this time to reflect on her morning and prepare mentally for the afternoon ahead. 

Working in healthcare can be emotionally demanding, and she believes that it’s important to take moments throughout the day to check in with herself. She encourages her colleagues to do the same, as maintaining their well-being is critical to providing the best care for patients.

Afternoon: Patient Education and Care Planning

After lunch, Maren’s focus shifts to patient education and care planning. One of her key responsibilities is ensuring that her patients understand their conditions and the treatment plans that have been developed for them. 

She spends time explaining medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes that will support their recovery. Maren is patient and thorough, making sure that each individual feels confident and informed.

This education is especially important for patients who are transitioning from hospital care to home care. 

Maren knows that once patients leave the hospital, they need to be equipped with the knowledge and resources to continue their healing process. 

She provides them with detailed instructions, answers their questions, and connects them with any additional support services they may need.

Care planning is another critical aspect of Maren’s afternoon. She works closely with her team to develop personalized care plans that address each patient’s specific needs. 

This involves assessing their current condition, setting goals for recovery, and coordinating with other healthcare professionals to ensure that all aspects of their care are covered.

Late Afternoon: Documentation and Follow-Up

As the day progresses, Maren focuses on documentation and follow-up tasks, ensuring all patient records are up to date. She records changes in conditions, updates care plans, and communicates with the care team.

Maren also follows up with recently discharged patients, checking on their progress and addressing concerns. Continuity of care is essential to her, as she wants patients to feel supported even after leaving the hospital.

Early Evening: Wrapping Up the Day

As her day comes to a close, Maren takes a moment to reflect on the day’s events. She reviews her patients’ progress, makes any necessary notes for the night shift, and ensures that everything is in order for the next day. 

She also touches base with her colleagues to see if there’s anything else that needs attention before she leaves.

Maren values the work she does, and even though her days are often long and challenging, she finds immense satisfaction in knowing that she has made a difference in her patients’ lives. 

Before heading home, she takes a few moments to unwind, allowing herself to transition from her busy day at AdventHealth to her personal time.

Personal Time: Recharging and Preparing for Tomorrow

Once Maren is home, she shifts her focus to personal time. Recharging is crucial for maintaining balance in her life, and she has developed a routine that helps her relax and unwind. 

Whether it’s spending time with family, reading a book, or enjoying a favorite hobby, Maren makes sure to prioritize activities that bring her joy and relaxation.

She also takes time to reflect on the day’s challenges and successes. 

This reflection helps her learn and grow as a healthcare professional, ensuring that she continues to provide the best care possible to her patients.

 After winding down, Maren gets a good night’s sleep, knowing that she’ll be ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

The Rewards and Challenges of Healthcare

Working in healthcare is both rewarding and challenging. For Maren Spillman at AdventHealth, the most rewarding aspect is knowing that she is making a positive impact on her patients’ lives. 

Seeing a patient recover, regain their strength, and leave the hospital healthier than when they arrived is a powerful experience that fuels her passion for her work.

However, the job also comes with its challenges. Healthcare can be emotionally and physically demanding, and there are days when the weight of the responsibility can feel overwhelming. 

But Maren’s dedication to her patients and her belief in AdventHealth’s mission of whole-person care keep her going. 

She understands that each challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow, and she approaches her work with a positive and resilient mindset.


A day in the life of maren spillman at advent health is filled with dedication, compassion, and hard work. 

From early morning team huddles to late afternoon follow-ups, Maren’s commitment to her patients is unwavering. 

She embraces the challenges of her role with grace and finds joy in the meaningful connections she makes with her patients and colleagues.

As a healthcare professional, Maren Spillman embodies the values of AdventHealth. 

Her holistic approach to care, combined with her passion for helping others, makes her a valuable asset to the team and a trusted caregiver to her patients. 

Through her work, Maren is making a difference, one patient at a time, and her dedication to whole-person care is a testament to the impact that healthcare professionals can have on the lives of those they serve.dvent